Grips - by Kriztov

For an introduction to grips, watch these two videos from Kriztov.

Nunchaku are made out of two STICKS and a LINK.

Where the link meets the stick is called the HEAD. (hold here for delicate freestyle moves)
The far end is the TAIL. (hold here for combat moves)
The middle is the BODY. (hold here for most moves)

The hand that's holding a stick is your LIVE hand.
The hand that's not holding a stick is your EMPTY hand (Kriztov says SPARE, but we prefer EMPTY)

The stick you're holding is your HANDLE.
The stick you're not holding is your STRIKER.

If the link comes out the thumb side of your fist that's a FRONTGRIP.
If the link comes out the little-finger side of your fist that's a BACKGRIP.
If the link comes out between two fingers of your fist that's a MIDGRIP.

If you're holding the very tail by your fingertips, that's a TAILGRIP.

Holding with just your thumb against your palm is a THUMBGRIP.
Holding with your whole fist is a FULLGRIP.

Holding both sticks in one hand is a DOUBEGRIP

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